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In this digital era, all you want is just one click away. The same goes to the teachers, they are spending lesser and lesser time on preparing materials for some subjects such as Mathematics and Science since hands-on kits and teaching aids are easily obtained online. This can easily lessen the teachers’ burden. If you are a teacher, have you ever heard about a subscription box? If you never heard about it, it is time for you to consider an educational subscription box to ease your teaching process!

STEM Subscription Box | ALFAandFriends (1)

I have listed 4 ways of how educational subscription can help you.

Saves Your Time

If you use an educational subscription in your classroom to conduct the lesson with the children, you will have more time to prepare for other lessons. Do you know that a subscription box is made for teachers? Yes! The educational subscription box will come in different themes and
mostly with hands-on experiment kits because children learn the most through fun and exciting play experience. You do not have to go out and spend hours and hours in bookshops or malls to look for the best materials or hands-on kits for your beloved children. Everything is online, and
sometimes, you do not have to order for it manually, because it is a subscription which makes your life easier!

Hands-on Learning Experience

All the educational subscription boxes out there are indeed affordable, and some are designed to make the learning more professional and personal for both teachers and children in classrooms but are they just offering cheap prices (Read other article: For Less Than RM16, These Boxes Will Totally Transform Your Children’s Understanding About STEM ) and the element of surprise? Of course not.

The educational subscription box offers more hands-on learning compared to the chalk-and-talk learning process. This way of learning style will benefit your children the most because hands-on learning not only is fun, they spike the interest of the children’s learning and they are also engaging. Along the way, children have the opportunities to stimulate their five senses, build fine motor skills, and also children would be able to experience real-world learning. No more theoretical but more practical. Do you know that preschools learn best when they are allowed to move and explore their environment? As long as you are equipped with hands-on learning kits, your children are good to go in your classroom!

Empower Your Students

STEM Malaysia | ALFAandFriends (2)

By using an educational subscription box, you are not only able to lessen your burden in preparing a lesson, especially for Science and Mathematics, but also you are changing the way of teaching and learning to a more developed professional learning. The children will be so happy as you are! With the educational subscription box that you chose, you are applying the design-thinking process in your everyday lessons. Children will have to go through the processes when they are working on the projects, activities, or experiments provided in the box.

When you as a teacher finds this method of teaching is successful, the renewed energy for learning will be contagious to others. You might be the pioneer here in your country as the first school to use an educational subscription box for your daily lesson!

Passive Income

Well, well, well… Who knows this reading could open an opportunity for you to have a passive income? Yes. By using the educational subscription box in your school, you might land a huge opportunity that is effortless for you as a teacher. ALFA and Friends are looking for Spark distributors and dropship agents for our Spark Kit products including STEM Kit and STEM Kit bundles. You as a teacher are not selling this as a product, but you are selling the value of education, a great future for the children for future global and local markets, and giving opportunities for parents especially to have memorable bonding moments with their children no matter where they are. Not only with Spark Kit, but there will be more opportunities are coming for teachers to get extra income with ALFA and Friends. If you are interested, be the pioneer of a great future ahead and contact us  now!

Spark products are not merely products, but they are the medium for the teachers to path the pathways for the children to achieve great success. With these, we are aiming for the children to have what they need to strive for excellence! Isn’t that what all teachers do best?

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