If you are given a chance to spend less than RM30 to transform your child’s life, will you take it? Are you willing to pay for it? I say that because understanding STEM will change your children’s lives without you knowing it. Do you know you can buy STEM kit for less than RM30? Yes, you can pay for less than RM30 with Spark – STEM subscription box!
What will you get? Here, we list the most interesting and best-seller Spark Kit in our STEM subscription box. Prepare to be blown away with these kits.
1- Sound Hose
Purchase Sound Hose KitThe first best-seller for the first month among the other is our magnificent that can produce sweet tunes of the air when you twist it, THE SOUND HOSE! How can vibration produce sound? How can speed affects the sound produces? Your children will get the chance to find the answers to these questions in the first month itself when you subscribe to our STEM subscription box.
I bet you have not given your children such interesting and profoundly enriching toys, ever! Learning STEM in a fresh and fun way is not a new thing for us. Now, we give you an opportunity to be on the same boat with us. Will you say yes?
2- Diving Octopus
Purchase Diving Octopus KitAre you ready to dance and dive with our own diving octopus? With air pressure, even the octopus can jive with your children! This is a new and unique way to teach children what is air pressure and allow them to explore more possibilities with diving octopus. For our STEM subscription box, the fun will always somewhere in the box ready to be unleashed into the world to light up your children’s lives!
But, please make sure your children don’t go diving like the octopus without your supervision.
3- Mini Wheatgrass
Purchase Mini Wheatgrass KitIn the third month, should we develop more love towards mother nature in your children’s hearts? This is one exciting way through STEM to do it! With the smiley pots provided, let’s plant more greens around your house. Do not fret, the STEM subscription box for the THIRD MONTH for this kit, the seeds are all provided and perfectly in ready-to-use condition.
Plant the seeds and water the plants. Let the children do everything on their own. If it turns out good, your children might make gardening as one of their hobbies.
4- Raise the Five
Purchase Raise The Five KitDo not get this wrong, this is not a call to raise armies or zombies to fight bad people. This is just a call to do an interesting STEM activity to explore the chemical reaction of baking soda and… That is for your children to figure out what solution will be used to create the effect. Your children will be learning about acid and alkali too! Guide your children in learning and explore a STEM-agical adventure with subscribing the STEM subscription box.
The gloves will be magically raised without you blowing some air in them! It will be magical for your children. This experiment will be so entertaining and will distract your children for an hour. Need me-time once a week? STEM subscription box is the answer to your wish.
5- The Super Handy Stethoscope

Let’s be a doctor! On your 5th month of STEM subscription box, your children will have the chance to play doctor, exploring the sounds of your heartbeat or gurgling sound in your tummy. Explore the sounds of the human body and refine your children’s motor skills with this kit. Now, playing to be a doctor could be a part of STEM, too!
Assemble the stethoscope and have fun listening to everyone’s heartbeat! This set is so simple but exciting, even 4 years old can do this! This would be perfect to teach the children about the human body and what are the organs we have.
6- The Stretching Tortoise

In and out the head of the tortoise goes. Let your children demonstrate the movement of the head of a tortoise with the power of AIR PRESSURE! If your children are into animals (which we are sure most children are), they will surely love this, which is one of the kits for the STEM subscription box. Push and push the syringes and find out what will happen to the tortoise. We have stretching giraffe too, you know.
Who knows just by using a few syringes, we could have fun with tortoise’s head!
7- Solar System

When you opt to subscribe to the STEM subscription box, you will be exploring space too! Join Alfa and friends in their adventure to space. Hey, with this kit, your children will also get to know the names of the 8 planets that we have. “My Very Enthusiastic Mother Just Served Us Noodles!”. Do you know what that sentence is about?
Yes, it is the acronym to remember the order of the planets and their names too! Feed your children’s curiosity with this kit, let them know what is happening outside of our world, literally.
8- Virtual Reality Box

Prepare to be mind-blown with one of the kits that you will get on the 8th month of the STEM subscription box from us. Hold this box in front of your eyes and get ready to enter the world where impossible is possible and where far is so near. Your children can be in space in split seconds!
Do you want to go to the theme parks without going out from home? This is the answer. This VR box is our door to go almost anywhere in this world. (As long as you download the right apps).